Do you ship worldwide?

Yes we deliver worldwide to the doorstep

Do you accept custom-made?

Yes, we do. The cost and delivery window period depends on the design.

Do you have discount wholesale offers?

Yes, all our wholesalers around the world enjoy amazing discounts.

Do you have a minimum order quantity?

No, we do retail as well as wholesale.

What are panel dress fabrics?

Panel dress fabrics are one of our major products, they are already styled fabrics that come as front, back, and most of the time with sleeves. It’s easy to visualize how they would look on the body because they are already shaped and styled, even though they can reconstructed depending on the designer you are working with. They can indeed be restyled to your desired look. Or sewn just as they are styled.
They come in one size, your tailor/designer will sew them to your size since they are not ready to wear

Are your panels one size fit all?

Yes but most of the readily available ones can only fit up-to-size UK16/USA 14/EU 44
However, we take custom orders for sizes more than UK16/USA 14/EU 44

What are your Shipping costs?

Lagos Mainland: N1,500 – N2,500
Lagos Island: N2,500 – N3,500
Out of Lagos: From 3,000 depending on weight and location
Out of Nigeria: From $60 depending on weight



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We’re here to assist you! Please don’t hesitate to ask any questions or reach out for information. We’re happy to help with any inquiries you may have about our fabrics